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Sauce Béchamel

Sauce Béchamel. Read Customer Reviews & Find Best Sellers. Melt butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Once melted, stir in the flour until smooth.

Sauce Béchamel Add the butter and onion to a large saucepan over medium heat. Season the onions with salt, to taste, and cook until they become translucent and very aromatic. It's the base for a range of homey, comforting recipes, such as Creamed Spinach and Roasted Cauliflower with Cheese Sauce, and is a versatile, essential sauce that's easy to master. Kamu bisa memasak Sauce Béchamel menggunakan 4 bahan dan 2 Langkah. Begini caranya mencapai that.

Sauce Béchamel

  1. Mempersiapkan 50 Gr untuk farine.
  2. Mempersiapkan 50 Gr untuk beurre.
  3. It's 60 cl untuk lait.
  4. Mempersiapkan untuk Sel, poivre.

Béchamel is a basic white sauce and one of the five mother sauces of classical cuisine. Bechamel sauce, sometimes also called the white sauce, is considered one of the French/Italian basic sauces. It can be served alone, as a sauce served with fish or asparagus, or be a part of more complex dishes like lasagna or make a base for other sauces like cheese sauce or alfredo sauce. The French term for this medium-thick white sauce is béchamel.

Sauce Béchamel

  1. Dans une casserole, faire fondre le beurre. Ajouter la farine petit a petit et remuer avec un fouet..
  2. Verser le lait progressivement sans cesser de remuer. La sauce doit épaissir..

The foolproof way to attain a perfectly smooth sauce is to have the milk hot when added to the butter and flour. Mastering this basic white sauce recipe, also known as Béchamel, takes little time and puts a world of recipes at your fingertips. It's even one of the essential French "mother sauces" that you learn in cooking school! Whisking the butter and flour well while slowly adding the milk will result in a smooth, creamy sauce every time. Bechamel sauce used to also contain cream and eggs, a rich mixture fit for the kings and queens it was served to.

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