Recette: Délicieuse Nutella crêpe rolls
Nutella crêpe rolls. Great Prices on Crepe Rolls & More. On a flat surface, lay crepe and generously spread Nutella leaving a ½ inch border all around. With a sharp knife, cut roll in half and each half in thirds.
You can also just roll up the. Roll out and separate crescent dough on a work surface. Place chocolate-hazelnut spread in a small resealable bag and snip off one corner. Nutella crêpe rolls 6 4
Nutella crêpe rolls
- 250 gr farine.
- 500 ml lait.
- 2 oeufs.
- 2 C a S de sucre en poudre.
- 40 gr beurre.
- Nutella.
Use a zig-zag motion to pipe chocolate-hazelnut spread onto each crescent. Roll up, starting at the larger edge. Place on the prepared baking sheet. To serve: Spread each crêpe with your desired topping: Nutella, warm chocolate sauce, jam, butter and sugar, lemon, etc. and then fold in half, then into fourths, like a napkin.
Nutella crêpe rolls
- Battre les œufs et le lait, faire fondre le beurre..
- Sans un saladier mettre la farine et le sucre, ajouter le mélange oeufs et lait petit à petit en mélangeant avec le fouet. Ajouter ensuite le beurre et mélanger à nouveau..
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- Cuire de la même façon toute la pâte. Repartir le Nutella au centre de chaque crêpes rabattre les côtés puis rouler les.. 🌸Bonne dégustation🌸#cuisinonpourelle.
Dust with powdered sugar and serve warm. Roll each slice of bread with a rolling pin. Spread each slice of flattened bread with one teaspoon of nutella, spreading on one side of the bread to the length of the bread. Roll the bread up tightly, sealing shut with a dab of nutella. Using tongs, carefully place egg rolls seam-side down in the oil.
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