Gozleme Feta
Gozleme Feta. These Turkish Gozleme are the best savory homemade Turkish flatbreads made from scratch. They are made with classic spinach, feta filling. Be aware these are irresistible and so delicious.
Mozzarella cheese - not usually in Gozleme so it's optional. Gozleme is a Turkish special flatbread with different kinds of filling. This is one of my favorite with spinach and Feta cheese. Kamu bisa memiliki Gozleme Feta menggunakan 12 bahan dan 7 Langkah. Begini caranya mencapai it.
Gozleme Feta
- Anda membutuhkan untuk Pâte.
- Anda membutuhkan 200 g untuk farine.
- Anda membutuhkan 5 g untuk sel.
- It's 5 g untuk sucre.
- Anda membutuhkan 5 g untuk levure boulangère sèche.
- It's 12.5 cl untuk lait tiède.
- It's 20 g untuk beurre ramolli.
- Anda membutuhkan untuk Farce.
- It's 200 g untuk feta.
- It's untuk Persil.
- Anda membutuhkan untuk Poivre.
- Mempersiapkan 1 untuk poignée Pignon de pin.
This is a wonderful flatbread that is crusty outside with soft and chewy inside filled with delicious filling. Gozleme is a traditional Turkish flatbread that's stuffed with different fillings. The dough used to make gozleme is usually made without any leavening agents. The dough is thinly rolled out using a thin rolling pin called oklava, then filled with different fillings, folded, sealed and cooked in a pan.
Gozleme Feta
- Délayer la levure dans l’a lait tiède..
- Dans la cuve du robot, mettre l’ensemble des ingrédients et pétrir au crochet jusqu’à obtenir un boule de pâte lisse et ferme..
- Couvrir d’un torchon propre et laisser pousser 45minutes près d’une source de chaleur..
- Farce : égoutter la feta, l’émietter et la mélanger avec le persil ciselé, le poivre et les pignons de pin..
- Diviser la pâte en 6, faire des boules et l’étaler finement. Ajouter la farce sur une moitié..
- Et refermer en soudant bien les bords.
- Faire dorer les 2 faces à la poêle à feu moyen avec un peu de beurre..
Gozleme recipe (Turkish Stuffed Flatbread) Gozleme is the epitome of simplicity; a ball of dough stuffed with a filling and cooked until crisp. The main ingredients for the dough are flour, salt and water, but it can also be made with yeast and yoghurt. Gozleme is a traditional savoury Turkish flatbread or pastry filled with meat, spinach, feta and lots of herbs. When I used to work in Michigan there was a Turkish bakery we used to go to often and this is one of my favorite things we used to get. This gozleme and lahmacun, which are also some thin Turkish meat pies.
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