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Recette: Parfait Pancakes au chocolat 🍫

Pancakes au chocolat 🍫. Perfect for Sunday breakfast or as a dessert. If you are a real chocolate lover, you can top the pancakes with chocolate. My daughter put whipped cream chocolate syrup and a cherry on top.

Pancakes au chocolat 🍫 These gourmet pancakes are a decadent way to start the morning. They are a frequent request when my kids have friends stay overnight. They are very rich, yet light and fluffy. Pancakes au chocolat 🍫 5 4

Pancakes au chocolat 🍫

  1. 90 g flocons d’avoine.
  2. 1 banane.
  3. 180 g lait végétal (ici noisettes).
  4. 1 cuillère à café levure chimique.
  5. 2 cuillère à café cacao maigre.

I find them great as is, but you are welcome to take breakfast to the extreme by adding whipped cream, sliced bananas, or chocolate syrup. In a medium bowl beat egg, milk, and oil together with a whisk. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and stir with a wooden spoon until just combined. Be careful not to overmix; a few lumps are ok.

Pancakes au chocolat 🍫

  1. Tout mettre dans un mixeur et mixer jusqu’à obtenir une pâte homogène..
  2. Mettre la valeur d’une louche dans une poêle chaude..
  3. Quand il n’y a plus de bulles à la surface ; retourner le pancake et laisser cuire encore 2 minutes..
  4. .

Let batter rest while the griddle preheats. Cook the pancakes: Heat a griddle or skillet over medium heat. Heat your griddle and spray with nonstick spray. Serve as-is or topped with butter and syrup or a dollop of fresh, unsweetened whipped cream. How to make chocolate pancakes (this is the tutorial) These pancakes make the perfect treat for a special morning, like Christmas morning, or the morning after New Years Eve or a Birthday morning or you know a «you rock» kind of morning.

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