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Recette: Appétissante Pancake en 2 ingrédients

Pancake en 2 ingrédients. If you happen to be following the Weight Watchers program, these pancakes (without toppings) count as zero Freestyle SmartPoints! These silver dollar pancakes look just like your pictures, and tasted quite good! I was SO surprised, because I def doubted you there 🙂 I can't believe they tasted just like a French toast, perfect description.

Pancake en 2 ingrédients Allow pancakes to cook until edges look dry, then flip! Allow pancakes to cook about an equal amount of time on the bottom, then plate them. Simple, quick and easy to make. Pancake en 2 ingrédients 4 3

Pancake en 2 ingrédients

  1. 1 banane.
  2. 1 oeuf.
  3. 1 cc Nutella.
  4. Sucre glace.

The best two ingredient pancake ever comes together in just a few minutes and makes the perfect healthy pancakes. Stir in dry ingredients just until blended. Turn when bubbles form on top of pancakes and edges are slightly dry. Cook until the other side is a golden brown.

Pancake en 2 ingrédients

  1. Dans un petit recipient, mettais la banane en morceau ainsi que l'œuf et mixer..
  2. Prenais la poêle à crêpe, faites la chauffer avec un peu d'huile. Verser la pâte et laisser cuire 5 bonnes minutes de chaque côté..
  3. Étaler la cc de Nutella, parsemer de sucre glace. Bonne dégustation..

Easy Homemade Fluffy Pancakes for Two will convince you that homemade pancakes are just as simple and way more delicious than a box mix. Amazingly thin and delicate, these cream cheese pancakes are much closer to a crepe than a traditional thick and fluffy pancake. This recipe is proof of that, and it even takes things a step further — it doesn't just make delicious pancakes, it does so by only using two simple ingredients. And, of course, adding different kinds of spread makes it more delicious. This time, I didn't have milk, or mineral water, and my husband and I were craving for pancakes.

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